Anxious About That Big Meeting? We’ll Help You Sleep!

The anxiety over a presentation, meeting, merger or any big event can be stressful enough to disrupt your sleep. There you are, the night before your big meeting, and you lay tossing and turning with insomnia, knowing that this is going to make you less than at your best when you really need to be — but that knowledge only makes things worse!

What can you do?

Converse with a Peck and Call Girl, of course!

You probably know that orgasm results in increased levels of the hormones, including oxytocin, a hormone that evokes feelings of contentment and calmness. And you are probably well aware of the fact that endorphins are also released during orgasm, and that endorphins, having a similar chemical structure to morphine, provide pain relief as well as are believed to be involved in assisting the body’s response to stress. So we likely don’t need to convince you that a good orgasm before bed will help you sleep better.

But when your mind is racing with facts, how do you get yourself to pay attention to figures?

You might very well be ready to take matters into your own hands and masturbate, but the mood eludes you… Your mind keeps going back to practical matters, ruining your own fantasies!

Allow us to get you in the mood, to distract you and direct you back to the matters immediately at hand — in your hand! Our conversation and guided masturbation is just the way to achieve the orgasm you need to make everything melt away…

Be it phone sex, cybering or intimate messaging, the Peck and Call Girls can help settle your nerves and settle you in for the sound good night’s sleep you need. With a satisfied smile on your face, no less!

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Don’t Be Shy! (Reactions To Sex Fantasies)

On first reading many people become either sexually aroused by the private fantasies of others or embarrassed by them.

So states Brett Kahr in Who’s Been Sleeping in Your Head: The Secret World of Sexual Fantasies.

The fact that we Peck and Call girls can staunchly and raunchily claim to do the first, become aroused upon hearing the private sex fantasies of others, has much to do with our status as true courtesans.

Intuitively we can take the point of view of a therapist, approaching, as Kahr says, “each fantasy rather like a giant jigsaw puzzle or mystery story. At the end of the analysis, every piece must fit in order that we may gain a clear picture of the contents of the mind of the fantasist.”

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Fingernail Fetish?

A confession from Secondhand Rose:

I’m often teased, “OMG, how do you type with those nails?!”

My answer usually is, “I do just that; I type with my fingernails, not my fingertips!” But the honest truth is that I probably won’t pass any typing tests — neither timed, nor for accuracy. *wink*

Long fingernails are sometimes a pain in this modern world of keyboards and keypads — don’t get me started on those little buttons on cell phones! (Even short nails are a problem with all these tech toys!)

But I’ll happily trade some speed and accuracy when tying, and purchase a pretty stylus to “dial” my phone, rather than trim my natural long nails.

To me, long fingernails are not only symbols of my femininity, but one of the natural perks of being a girl.

Long nails, especially smartly polished ones, are sexy; manicures are a treat; and I’ll admit I thoroughly enjoy the way they can be employed on a partner. … Is that a thrilling erotic shiver down your spine — or my fingernails? Both? *wicked grin*

Long painted fingernails are also a statement of prestige: lily-white hands with nails allowed to grow, pretty signs that I do not have to perform manual labor.

They are at once both a luxury and evidence that I myself am a luxury item.

Photo via Nailpro Magazine.

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The Primary Courtesan Rule

On one hand, saying that courtesans have rules seems a bit of an oxymoron — courtesans are, after all, rule breakers in many ways!  But good, successful, desired courtesans must have some rules, some standards of conduct and personal attributes, which separate them from the standard mistress or other forms of compensated companionship (including wives!) that otherwise exist.

Perhaps the most essential “rule” is that a courtesan is intelligent; without this trait, most of the other traits, rules, and requirements are rendered useless.

According to Howard Gardner, there are Nine Types of Intelligence, of which we Peck & Call Girls believe a good courtesan (yes, even if “only” on the phone or in chat!) must, at the very least, possess these six: Logical-Mathematical Intelligence, Existential Intelligence, Interpersonal Intelligence, Bodily-Kinesthetic Intelligence, Linguistic Intelligence, and Intra-personal Intelligence.

Do we even have to say that each and every Peck & Call Girl does possess these multiple intelligences? *wink*

Well, we do. And several others too. Complete the potential client screening and see!

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Sensitive, Accepting Phone Companionship

The Peck & Call Girls are not only hot, sensual, aural courtesans, appreciated by phone sex connoisseurs, we are intuitive companions and understanding confidants — we are, as sexologist Carol Queen says, sex positive:

Sex-positivity allows for and in fact celebrates sexual diversity, differing desires and relationships structures, and individual choices based on consent.

As sex positive women we “consent and embrace open sexuality with few limits — unique sexual profiles, even as we acknowledge that some of us have been damaged by a culture that tries to eradicate sexual difference and possibility.”

You can count on us to understand your kink, accept and consent to your taboos — and create terrific fabulous fantasies upon them too.

Carol Queen quotes from The Necessary Revolution: Sex-Positive Feminism in the Post-Barnard Era. The Communication Review 11(3):274–291.

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Are You Game For Virtual Courtesanship?

Seems many are; digital service GameCrush, which pairs gamers with a beautiful woman to play online games with, is a hit.

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