Author: Peck and Call Girls
Virtual courtesans as discreet -- or flamboyant -- as you desire.

Anxious About That Big Meeting? We’ll Help You Sleep!

The anxiety over a presentation, meeting, merger or any big event can be stressful enough to disrupt your sleep. There you are, the night before your big meeting, and you lay tossing and turning with insomnia, knowing that this is

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Don’t Be Shy! (Reactions To Sex Fantasies)

On first reading many people become either sexually aroused by the private fantasies of others or embarrassed by them. So states Brett Kahr in Who’s Been Sleeping in Your Head: The Secret World of Sexual Fantasies. The fact that we

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Fingernail Fetish?

A confession from Secondhand Rose: I’m often teased, “OMG, how do you type with those nails?!” My answer usually is, “I do just that; I type with my fingernails, not my fingertips!” But the honest truth is that I probably

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The Primary Courtesan Rule

On one hand, saying that courtesans have rules seems a bit of an oxymoron — courtesans are, after all, rule breakers in many ways!  But good, successful, desired courtesans must have some rules, some standards of conduct and personal attributes,

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Sensitive, Accepting Phone Companionship

The Peck & Call Girls are not only hot, sensual, aural courtesans, appreciated by phone sex connoisseurs, we are intuitive companions and understanding confidants — we are, as sexologist Carol Queen says, sex positive: Sex-positivity allows for and in fact

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Are You Game For Virtual Courtesanship?

Seems many are; digital service GameCrush, which pairs gamers with a beautiful woman to play online games with, is a hit.

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